This beautiful flip book contains 60 pages of information to help you curb your child's chronic constipation - naturally (without MiraLAX)!
This book includes:
What is constipation
The Bristol Stool chart
Underlying causes of constipation
Concerns with MiraLAX use in kids
20 pages of natural remedies
17 delicious constipating-busting recipes
Product suggestions
Resources and Articles
Sara Vance is a Nutritionist and Author of The Perfect Metabolism Plan. Sara struggled with chronic constipation her whole childhood, so she knows how uncomfortable and frustating it can be.
This book is based on Sara's most popular blog ever - but it has been updated and expanded to include more tips, recipes, and resources.
"I wish I had this book when I was a kid and struggling with chronic constipation. Fast forward several decades, as a Nutritionist, I studied how to heal the body naturally with food and supplements. I have created this book for kids and families dealing with constipation, to help them heal constipation - naturally!"